Senior/Retiree Luncheon

Join us on October 10th at noon for a soup luncheon. Soups will be provided. Last names A-L, bring bread/rolls. Last names M-Z, bring dessert.  Please sign up HERE if you're planning on attending.

All-Church Fall Festival

Everyone is invited on Friday, October 11th to Matt and Paula Harold's residence at 833 Ritz Road, Mansfield from 6-9pm for a bonfire. We will have hotdogs, cider, donuts, and games. Sign up HERE.

Members' Meeting

Everyone is invited to a lunch of chili/soup after  Core classes on October 20th. Members are encouraged to attend the members' meeting that will follow lunch. Sign up for chili/soup/salad as well as bread and desserts at the Welcome Center. 

Men's Prayer Breakfast

All men and boys ages 10 and older are invited to a prayer breakfast on Oct. 26th at 8am. Sign up HERE if you're planning on attending.

Father/Son Discipleship Program

Join us for an informational meeting about the upcoming anticipated father/son discipleship program expected in the new year.  The meeting will be held after the men's breakfast on October 26th at 9:30pm.  Sign up HERE.

CBC Updates

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Click HERE to sign up.